

Protect your application from unauthorized copies.

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The software protectionfor your application.

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Koshinto™ is a service to provide an application copy protection for you. You can block the running of unauthorized copies.

In addition to copy protection, koshinto also offers features such as:

  • change permissions remotely: The permishion you have granted can be changed remotely later. This mean you can suspend an execution permission at any time even if fraud is discovered later.

  • safekeeping of key: You can pass a string after the permissions confirmation. This means you can store the keys or credentials used by your application in a secure location isolated by network from tamperling. Refer here for details

getting started guide

The out-of-the-box solution

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All you have to do is just sign in to Koshinto then you have everything you need.

getting started guide

for the Raspberry Pi application.

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In addition to ordinary Linux and Mac, koshinto supports the Raspberry Pi. You can limit the execution of your application to only from the specific Raspberry pi board and/or specific SD card.

getting started guide

# What's new

# Support

Community user forum (opens new window) is available for your questions, requests, reports, and anything you'd like.

The premium support for integration to your application or maintenance is also available. For detail, please contact us by email: ueda@latelierdueda.com or direct message of twitter: @TakeyukiUeda without hesitage. Thank you!